Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy
  • Root canal therapy is a dental procedure, a saving grace for a tooth with irreversibly inflamed nerve tissue. Tooth extraction is usually the alternative to root canal therapy. Yandina Smiles prefers to leave the treatment option to the patients, but we recommend saving the tooth with a root canal.

How Does Root Canal Therapy Work?

  1. Typically, root canal therapy takes one to three visits.
  2. The first step is to get an X-ray of the damaged tooth to check the decay that resulted in inflamed nerve tissue. Throughout the process, the dental professional will take periodic dental x-rays to ensure the procedures go smoothly.
  3. Now, the dentist gives the patient anaesthesia for a pain-free procedure. Once the area around the tooth is thoroughly anaesthetized, the dentist will remove the inflamed tissue within the tooth.
  4. After removing the inflamed tissue, the dentist will clean and seal the tooth.
  5. Finally, the tooth will be restored with a filling.

Root Canal Therapy Aftercare

  • After the root canal therapy, depending on the severity of the decay, the dentist may suggest getting a dental crown on the tooth.
  • The dentist might also prescribe some pain medication to relieve the pain that commonly follows a root canal treatment.
  • For the long-life of your restored tooth, take good care of your teeth and gums, brush your teeth and floss regularly. Also, visit your dentist for regular check-ups.
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